
Passing Shot has many committees that help the association organize fun, sporty and educational events. The committees are the foundation of the association, where active members by means of a committee help the association to set up activities and keep the association running. You can register for the committees at 2 times in the year for a selection of the committees. When this is is stated per committee.

The committees are easy to combine with daily life and study, everyone can sign up for any committee! You can register via the button below, at the bottom of this page, or by sending an email to

During the year, the activity committee is responsible for all internal PS activities, including the Christmas Running Dinner, the Date Dinner, the Rottedam Rally and the New Year’s Bow Roll. This also means that you will be actively involved with Passing Shot all year round and that you will be present a lot. Together with the Internal Commissioner, you think about the interpretation of existing activities and you will devise, design and introduce new activities during the year. The activity committee is one of the most intensive committees within Passing Shot. So keep in mind that the AC meets on average once a week and that you are expected to attend as many drinks and other activities as possible.

So would you like to help the internal activities of the association and are you creative, social and enthusiastic to do a lot for the association? Sign up by sending an email to

Activity Committee (AC)

First-years Committee

This committee will be responsible for the organization of all first-year activities and will try to enthuse (and keep!) as many new members as possible for the association. The committee consists of both new and former members of the association. Since this is a semi-annual committee (starts in September, ends at the end of February), this is a great opportunity to move on to another committee with the experience gained or to sign up for the committees that will be charged in the second half of the year. .

Are you not only socially strong, but do you also like to meet new people? Then sign up for the freshman committee! You can register via the button at the bottom of this page or by an email to

The sixth edition of the Passing Shot almanac will be released next year! This yearbook will be filled with the juiciest stories, latest regulation actions and of course descriptions of all activities during the association year. Each committee member is responsible for providing a number of pieces, but who writes the exciting stories is up to you! And if you prefer a ‘smooth’ design, this committee is also suitable for you! Monthly meetings are held to ensure that a beautiful copy can be handed out at the end of the year.

Are you creative and do you want to help put together the almanac in which you can read the entire Passing Shot year? Or help design a book that will be on the shelves of many PS’ers for years to come? Register now for the Almanac Committee via the button at the bottom of this page or by sending an email to

Almanak Committee

On-Tour Committee

This committee is responsible for the ABN Amro tournament, the Roland Garros trip, the Davis Cup and the promotion of student tennis tournaments at sister associations. In short, everything that involves Passing Shot On Tour! In addition to partying with PS members, do you like to experience the necessary parties with other associations, and/or do you know tournaments where you think Passing Shot should definitely be represented? Then sign up for this committee! The advantage of this committee is that you make many contacts, both within and outside the association. The committee meets once every few weeks and has a peak moment of load around the organization of the ABN Amro tournament in February. You will also be expected to be available for a number of weekends for external tournaments in the second half of the academic year.

Do you like this and are you socially inclined? From now on you can sign up again via the button at the bottom of this page or by email to

The party committee is back! This year the committee is organizing the date dinner in November and the open party of the ABN AMRO tournament in February. The meetings are once every few weeks, with peak times around the events. This committee lasts six months and is a great way to gain experience for committees in the second half of the year.

So are you good at building parties, but also at organizing them? Then this is the committee for you! You can register at the bottom of the page, or via

Party Committee

BRAK-Committee (BRAKco)

This exciting committee is responsible for organizing the external tournament of Passing Shot called BRAK. This 3-day tournament will take place from 9 to 11 July 2021 and serves as a fraternization moment between not only our Passing Shot ‘ers, but also between us and our sister associations throughout the Netherlands. As a committee member you organize the tournament, all activities, parties and other related things. Also in this committee you will gain a lot of organizational skills and you will learn to deal with a large budget. As the tournament approaches, the workload and amount of meetings will increase (from monthly to weekly).

You can register for this committee via the link at the bottom of this page, or by sending an email to

This committee will deal with various matters, including putting Passing Shot on the map in a creative way. In recent years, various sponsors have been found through the creative use of our various promotional channels, such as: shirts, posters, weekly mail, website, etc. This year we want to see whether we can further exploit our reach through smart use to make use of the current channels and possibly find or create new ones.

Can you think out-of-the-box and do you want to look for sponsors and strengthen the association together? Then apply for the acquisition committee, you can do this again from next academic year via the button at the bottom of this page or by email to

Acquisition Committee

Family tournament Committee

Every year it is a great success: the family tournament. The perfect opportunity to introduce your whole family to (the families of) your Passing Shot friends and then compete on the track. Which family actually has the most tennis talent, which family never gives up and which family has more commitment than on the court? You’re all going to find out if you organize this cozy mutual battle. The committee is responsible for the teams, the organization of the day, the theme, the decoration and of course the BBQ. As a committee member you will mainly be needed in the run-up to the family tournament, but of course also make sure that there is a large cross in your own and in the family agenda on this day!

The international committee is a committee especially for our international members. This committee will focus on organizing events especially for our non-dutch speaking members like a pub-crawl, internacho tournament and more!

Are you creative and do you want to help organizing events? Apply now via the button on the bottom of this page, or by sending an e-mail to

International Committee

Website Committee

Do you get itchy hands when you see this site? Then this committee is very suitable for you!

In this age of technological development, having a website is a must. After the Passing Shot website came back online last year, this year it is time to further develop the website and to get more information on the site for prospective members, interested parties and existing, active and old members. This committee will ensure that the website looks completely slick and sleek at the end of the year. The aim is to update the website monthly with the latest news, the monthly agenda and improvements.

Are you the website wizard we are looking for or do you have grand plans or ideas about how the site will look best and most efficient, you can register for the website committee again from next academic year. You can do this via the button at the bottom of this page or by email to

The Eurekaweek is one of the most important committees of the second half of the year. This committee ensures that Passing Shot has a large new batch of members again next year. You will think well in advance with the committee and in the background with the board about all possibilities to be visible as much as possible with PS this week. Collaboration with the Eurekaweek committee of the university and, for example, Erasmus Sport are also part of this. During the preliminary phase, you will meet, prepare scenarios and put together an enthusiastic promotion team. Shorter on the Eurekaweek and of course during the week itself you will be intensively involved and present!

Does this sound like something to you? Then register until January 25, 2022 via the button at the bottom of this page, or by sending an email to

Eurekaweek Committee

Competition Committee

The period around the spring competition is one of the most important and fun times within Passing Shot. For seven weeks, the teams compete with great fanaticism and passion against other clubs, but also against other teams within Passing Shot. After the day program there is always the team battle on Sunday evening. The competition committee ensures that the competition becomes one big party. All activities that take place outside the track are organized by this committee.

Are you up for a party? Then register until January 25, 2022 via the button at the bottom of this page, or by sending an email to

The name says it all, because this committee provides the annual winter sports trip of Passing Shot. This is a very accessible, fun week full of (apres) skiing, snowboarding, fun and pub crawls. The committee has contact with the travel organization, devises the program, takes care of promotion and supervises the group itself during the week and helps everyone where necessary. The workload for this committee is limited in the beginning (meeting about once a month), but as the WiSpo approaches, the pressure will increase. During the week itself, the committee is at its peak and will be fully involved in the journey.

Can’t wait to organize and guide the next winter sports? Do you like to go into the mountains or the ski hut? Do you want to search for the best locations and arrange deals? Do you want to dare to put down just as great an edition as the upcoming and previous editions? Register before January 25, 2022 for the WiSpo 2020/2021 via the button at the bottom of this page, or by email to

Wintersport (WiSpo) Committee

Club championships Committee

Next year around July the club championships will take place again. The club championships are much more than the battle for who is the best tennis player in Passing Shot, but one big party of several days! Tasks within the committee will be, for example: promotion, competition planning and further implementation of the tournament days. This is a very fun and educational committee for new members.

Workload is not too bad at the start, but will increase as the tournament comes into view!

Do you also want to organize Passing Shot’s internal tournament? Then register before January 25, 2022 via the button at the bottom of this page, or by sending an email to

The technical committee is headed by the technical commissioner and usually consists of a number of tennis trainers, enthusiastic tennis players and the competition leaders. The technical committee has a supporting role in creating training programs and formats. The competition leaders are mainly appointed together to oversee the affairs of the spring and autumn competition, but this can be done in collaboration with the technical committee. In addition, the technical committee as a whole is concerned with matters such as selection training, open tournament programs and performance sports.

Can you find yourself in this? Then register for the Technical Committee before January 25, 2022 via the button at the bottom of this page, or by sending an email to

Technical Committee

R.S.T.V. Passing Shot